The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has swept the world. Indonesia also did not escape the virus attack. Until the end of April 2020, the number of positive patients infected with the virus has penetrated 10,000 people and spread throughout 34 provinces in Indonesia.

Various efforts and policies have been implemented by the government to overcome the virus outbreak. The application of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) has been carried out in several cities to break the chain of the virus spreading.

The tireless struggle was also carried out by the hospital and its medical team. They are at the forefront in the fight against the COVID-19 virus by treating and healing positive patients, patients under surveillance (PDP) and people under supervision (ODP).

In dealing with the COVID -19 pandemic, the government and the medical team were not alone. Business actors also participated in efforts to overcome the invasion of the virus, as did the Indonesian Rubber Company Association (GAPKINDO).

Through its branches in various regions, GAPKINDO assists in the form of medical equipment such as personal protective equipment, surgical masks, hazmat clothes and cash to hospitals, COVID-19 Task Force, local governments and the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) available in each GAPKINDO Branch area. Assistance in the form of food parcels is also given to people affected by the virus outbreak.

The movement carried out by GAPKINDO Branch received appreciation from various parties because what was done was very helpful to the medical team in treating, treating patients and overcoming the spread of the coronavirus. Likewise, the people affected by the virus, with the help of GAPKINDO Branch can have the resilience in dealing with the virus attack.

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