GAPKINDO is rubber association of Indonesia which consisted crumb rubber companies processing natural rubber. Gapkindo strives to give the best contribution on the development of the Indonesian natural rubber industry in some sectors such as production, processing, and marketing of Indonesian natural rubber as one of the essential export products. GAPKINDO’s members consist of rubber plantations (state-owned, smallholders, and foreign-capital), processors, exporters, traders (brokers, dealers), and buyer’s representatives. In July 2018, the total number of members was 168 companies. GAPKINDO consists of the Central Management Board in Jakarta and Branches in each province that produces rubber, namely North Sumatra (including Aceh), West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Lampung, Bengkulu, West Kalimantan, South / Central Kalimantan, and Java.

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